
Pureauthor posted:

I wonder how it played out in Replicant. Dads getting upset that guys talk to their daughters get a chuckle and an eyeroll. Brothers doing the same ventures into uncomfortable territory mighty fast.

For the most part, it's very similar.

Brother Nier's very happy for Yonah that she's got a brand new friend around her age, someone that she could talk to and even play with. She apparently has friends in the village (I swear this is a line somewhere in the game) but doesn't really keep up with many of them. When Brother Nier finds out that its a boy though, he becomes more cautious and over protective like only a big brother can. Now, you see he's been given this task to essentially protect Yonah from the world at large as the dying wish of his parents. He's an impressionable, loyal young man who's been given a job like that and he flips his lid when suddenly this boy breaks through his little comfortable bubble that he's created in the village all of a sudden.

So he's not really mad or afraid that Yonah made a new friend, she's got lots of friends apparently, it's that someone he doesn't know who lives in a place where he's never has somehow gotten through. When Nier had previously believed that Yonah is safe, if isolated from the outside world at the village. I could go on because there's a whole other post like this I could make about Brother Nier's relation to the village and his childish desires or whatever but christ I don't want to become Games' SuperMechaGodzilla.

The game never gets Caim/Furiae on Nier and Yonah so please stop trying to find that, it's creepy.